This YouTube is showing that Korea had the oldest book made movable type. We know that it didn't influence Western at the time it was published but it show that the idea had been around. The video does point out that the idea probably originated from the East. It must be remembered that many factors were needed to have a the explosion of mass reproduction. Gutenberg found a way to pull all the different technologies together into one workable and reproducable system. It took him over 10 years to experiment and 20 years to produce the Bible. Poor man didn't even profit from it.
Ideas can occur to people at the same time as another. They may have been influenced by the time they lived. Haven't any of you think of a great idea and then it's on the market soon after that? We didn't influence the person who actually took the idea to market but we both thought of the idea at the same time. This may be what happened to Gutenberg and how he was able to create his ideas. He was a time of great demand for books. People wanted to learn. He was in the moment and he actively thought about the problems confronting him. Then he went out and solve them. Because he did, we are who we are today. I greatly admire his patience and fortitude.
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